Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Author Review: Ryan Hunter

A few months ago I reviewed the work of Ryan Hunter. It was  her debut  novel in The One United Series, Indivisible. Book two in her series was released on Aug 1 st and is titled Undivided.
I once again had a great experience with this author. Her ability to tell a compelling story with a sense of urgency throughout was impressive.

It is difficult for me to find alot of fault with these books. They are well written, fast paced and relateable to the YA market. All things I enjoyed in her first book.
 My favorite part of this novel was her love tri, or quadrangle. Normally I find petty teenage girls who are burdened by the trial of everyone being in love with them, rather tedious. In this novel I actually felt sorry for the girl.
At the end of Indivisible, Brin is separated from her first love, a character named T.
It was an emotional experience. One I empathized with  with in Brin's life.I wondered how this author would manage to get this character re-invested in a romance after her tragedy. I felt certain  adding new love interests would only diminish the quality of this character. I was sure whoever the author chose as her new boyfriend I would automatically dislike. I was prepared
to absolutely hate Brin.
Hunter  started the relationships out with only one boy being interested, and Brin completely uninterested. By the time she wove in her other characters I found myself letting down my guard and hoping Brin would do the same.
Her masterful use of romantic relationships to take Brin on an emotional journey with a happy ending was inspiring. The Undivided will always be my reference for how to accomplish this in my own work.
Ryan Hunter has been writing most of her life as a novelist, journalist and freelancer – enjoying
every bit of the writing scene except for the brief stint as ‘product description’ writer … Her
earliest novel appeared on construction paper, bound with staples and followed two kittens on a
journey of self realization. She was eight.
Ryan enjoys hiking, swimming, traveling, baking and spending time with her family. She’s the
mother of five children and currently lives in southern Utah.Look for her on face book, and Go find The One United Series. Indivisible, and Undivided.You can find more of her work where e-books are sold, or  e-mail her>

On a side note: I didn't do author review's during the summer. Things were too crazy with my kids. I will be doing two more to make up for June and July.  The Scrolls of Zandaria, by J.S. Jaegger and The flames of Anara by J.L. Adams.


  1. This is an interesting book review. However, I couldn't find Individual on either Bookshare, Audible, or BARD. How did you read this and the author's latest book?

    1. Both Indivisible, and Undivided are available on kindle. I have the desktop kindle that will read the text. Alot of modern publlications are being published as e-books and I find I can find them quicker on amazon, or other e-book sources.
      Thanks for your comments Abbie, keep them coming.
