Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Paper Jems with Arnold Rudnick

Arnold Rudnick has a gift for creating fascinating stories to challenge children toward self-improvement and self esteem. In LITTLE GREEN he introduces
a little green frog (beautifully realized by illustrator Marcelo Goreman) who has big dreams to be special.
There is a special magic that is present in a really good children's book. You can hear it in the dialogue, see it in the illustrations and feel it when the children apply it to their own lives. Little Green
ISBN: 0981587976

Publisher Paraphrase, LLC  is just such a book. Because of my blindness, I need my 10-yr.-old to look at the illustrations and read the books with me. When we read Rudnick's book my son turned to me and told me how the book showed him how to be the best soccer player he could be, no matter what anyone else thought.
While I enjoyed the fun rhymes, cute plot, and playful nature of this story, it was not until my son applied it to his life that I felt that power. I hope to read more of Rudnick's work and speak with him next week in an interview. You can find more about him at or on where his book is available.
ARNOLD RUDNICK has written for many television shows, including THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR, STAR TREK: VOYAGER and THE NEW ADDAMS FAMILY.
Also, look for his Middle Grade Book,ESPete. E.S. Pete: Sixth Grade Sense is about the perils of a paranormal preteen.

Pete knew there would be a lot more homework in Sixth Grade, but he didn't plan on the reading list including the minds of his teachers and classmates.
Knowing what they think can be helpful sometimes, but it also gets complicated -- ESPecially when Pete thinks the substitute teacher is planning a big

ISBN: 0981587909

Publisher: Paraphrase, LLC

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