Friday, June 8, 2012

One of the many questions a writer must answer when creating a story is Why? That question along with who?, What?, Where, and How? give a basic frame work for any story. One of the many questions we as human beings ask more frequently is Why me? In a life story or any story full of tragic occurances, heartbreaks, and disasters we shake our fists at the unknowing sky for answers to Why? and Why me?
     For any readers of dystopian novels these questions are sifted, almost seasoned in the novel titled:Divergence by Veronica Roth.
     This particular setting is a community broken into five groups or factions who are given aptitude tests to discover their particular strengths. They are then given severe physical and emotional training to enter the elite of the faction. Our heroine in Ms. Roth's story is gifted in more than one of these areas, but chooses to go through extreme physical trials that will improve her natural gifts and allow her to be stronger and more courageous. The Author allows you to avoid even the suggestion of a need to ask Why me? It is made completely clear why? Because you have the capacity to excell in this arena.
     If life is a series of great emotional and physical trials with the potential to break or brighten the abilities of those who live in it, then perhaps the question we should be asking is Why not me?
     Am I not talented, strong,or resiliant enough to handle a little flame? Am I not capable of learning, inspiration, or excellence? If I sit on the sidelines of life and watch others climb, crawl, and claw their way to a higher plane thenwhat are my capabilities worth?
     The good news is that each of us stand at the foot of a mountain. A mountain that is dangerous and difficult. The climb will be treacherous no matter whether it be, the alps the
andes, or the appalacians; It is not a matter of perspective. Whatever your mountain is; don't be afraid to climb it. Do not stand in the mountains shadow and shake your fist at the monstrocity asking Why? or Why me?
     Instead, push your hair back from your face, plant your feet firmly on the trail and ask; Why not me?


  1. What an awesome post!! You are so great. Thanks for sharing such a positive perspective!

    All the Best,

  2. Thats my wife. A person who at her still young age has endured more than most of us will in a lifetime. So proud of you Traci. A guy couldnt ask for a better companion in the eternities. You make me better than i really am. I love you.

    1. I am more than I ever could be, because you are the man beside me. I love you baby.
